What’s the first thing that comes into your mind when I say
I’m a trainer and gym owner and really
came to it by accident really. I had
never even been to a gym before my husband and I purchased our first one way
back in 2007.
I quickly had to learn the tricks of the trade. My first certification was in yoga, but I
have since completed I think 12 certifications over the years in everything
from Pump, to Combat to Cycling and everything in between.
Jumping into the fitness scene as I did, I think it has
given me a unique window into the “why” of fitness but also into many of the
“why-not’s.” Training clients can be
very interesting because most people come to you because of something they do
not like about themselves. Something
they want you to change. Something they
want you to fix.
I spent 6 years working with the Young Women when I lived in
Nephi both in my ward and in my stake.
And I noticed that the physical characteristics that set them apart,
were typically the ones they wanted to change.
Humans are funny because we are all born unique, but we all have this
weird desire to blend in. To be just
like every body else.
But you know, after working with so many people I have
learned that most women do not like the way they look. It’s pretty true across the board. It doesn’t seem to matter what body type they
have… I have learned that the way people feel about themselves has very little
to do with how their body actually looks.
The big lie that is typically perpetuated through the fitness industry
as a whole is that your value as a woman is determined by your pant size or the
number you see on your scale.
Now in our heads, we know this is simply not true. We have all been taught who we are and whose
we are right? Walk Tall You’re a
Daughter of God. Be Still and know I am
God. I have imprinted you on the Palms
of my Hands. These things are real. These things are true. So why do we always feel the pull towards the
need to fit into such a limited and shallow little box?
The truth is Satan has been at war with women from the
beginning with Mother Eve. The truth is
that Satan is terrified of strong women.
Strong women who know who they are, who are not ashamed of their
strength, who can fully embrace her own unique beauty. These are women who can and do change the
One of my favorite quotes is by Marianne Williamson:
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant
Gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you NOT to be?
You are a child of GOD
Your playing small does not serve the world
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other
Won’t feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is
within us
It’s not just in some of us, it’s in everyone
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give
Permission to do the same
As we are liberated from our own fear
Our presence automatically liberates others”
How many of us can look at our own reflection and can allow
ourselves to think kind things about ourselves?
Or, how many of us zone into our perceived flaws? Now I say “perceived” because I don’t believe
any of us are truly honest with ourselves.
I mean, if we are gonna lie to ourselves, why don’t we at least tell
ourselves kind lies? Why do we literally
train our brain to take the negative line on all things about ourselves? What message does that send to our
subconscious? What message does that
send to our friends? What message does
that send to our God who created us?
I read a book about a man and his near death experience. When he came back he soon found himself in the middle of WW II patching up the poor men taken off the battlefield. Whenever he lost someone, he found himself jealous. He so desperately wanted to go home. To be with his Savior. One day, he met a man in recovery that he continually found himself drawn to and he couldn’t figure out why. He also noticed that this man had the same affect on nearly everyone else too. He like the way he felt around this man and even said he looked familiar to him, although he couldn’t pin-point why. And then one day, he realized. This man reminded him of his Savior in the love he felt from him and even the light shining from his eyes. He then realized he did not need to return to heaven to see his Savior again. He could find Him in the eyes of those who had truly accepted Him, who had allowed their Savior to become a part of themselves. And he realized he wanted to become one of those people.
Have you received His image in your countenance?
Does the light of Christ shine in your eyes?
Will He know you when He comes again because you will be
like Him?
When He sees you, will the Father know His child?
What is a better definition of beauty than that?
What is the difference between Self-Esteem and Self-Worth?
Have you ever noticed how obsessed we are with
contests? With winning? With comparisons?
That is Self-Esteem.
That is how the world determines your “value.” What can you do for it? It is a flawed system. You have to “esteem” yourself and see how you
measure up to others. The problem with
this is there will always be people above and below you on this scale. You will never measure up. You will never be enough. You will always be chasing a shadow. Pursuing things that will never fill you.
So what is Self-Worth?
Self-worth is understanding and acknowledging your value as a child of
God. Sheri Dew said, “None of us come to
this earth to gain our worth; we brought it with us.” You were born with it and you will leave this
world with it and there is nothing you can do that can change it. You can make all the mistakes in the world
and it will not change your value the slightest bit. Your choices will have a lot to do with the
joy you feel in this life and in the next, but you cannot change your
value. It is who you are. It is intrinsic. Have you ever heard the quote, God doesn’t
want anything from you, he just wants YOU.
He wants us to honor ourselves to stay true to our Divine Nature enough
to feel the fullest joy in who we are and to allow us to return home to Him.
President Uchdorf recently gave a talk geared towards teens
where he asked if we honestly believed God cared about how many likes we had on
our Facebook page? Our value is so much
infinitely greater than that.
Now do not mistake me by thinking I am advocating a lifetime
of mistreatment of our bodies simply because we don’t care about what size
pants we are wearing anymore.
Earlier I said I have noticed that a woman’s opinion of
herself seemed to have little to do with what her body looked like but rather,
the way she took care of and honored herself.
I am a firm believer that ALL women should strength train
with weights. There are so many cardio
options and I will always be a big advocate for yoga. As you build up your body you will be amazed
at how much you are empowered in ALL other aspects of your life. It is amazing how a well balanced,
challenging exercise program gives you the daily reminder that you are stronger
than you think you are. You can succeed
in hard things. You are a work in
progress, and that’s OK. You do have the
power to live your life how you choose.
Daily exercise is one of the BEST ways to beat back that victim mind-set
and unlock the power within you so YOU can see it, feel it and use it as you
lift up others around you. As you strengthen
your body you will strengthen your spirit.
They are eternally connected. The
body and the spirit are the soul of man and it is essential to protect and care
for both. It is easy to take for granted
the incredible gift our bodies are.
Making our physical health a priority is how we show our gratitude to
our Father in Heaven for that gift.
It’s not about weight.
It’s not about looking like the photo-shopped pictures we are constantly
bombarded with. It’s not about having
the whitest teeth, the smoothest skin, or the best body. If you are diligent in taking care of your
body, YOUR perfect body will reveal itself.
But here’s the catch: It will always be changing. Evolving.
Embrace that. Celebrate the story
your body tells. The journey you take
with your body should not be about perfection.
It’s about freedom. It’s about
independence. It’s about valuing
individual worth and divine nature. It’s
about embracing our eternal future. It’s
about being a light to our families, our friends and our communities. It’s about living with purpose, on purpose.
So why is it so important to really, truly understand who
you are?
I can promise you that your life will most likely unfold
quite differently than you expect. Out
of my group of high school friends, all active in the church throughout high
school, we are all in very different places now. We have been given many different roads to
walk and I can promise you life is not a journey to take alone.
Maybe your marriage will hold unforeseen challenges. Maybe you won’t get married. Maybe you or someone you love will struggle
with addiction. Maybe you will learn
that tomorrows are never guaranteed.
Maybe you will experience a struggle of testimony. Maybe anxiety or depression will make you
feel hopeless. Maybe you will be the
mother of a child with disabilities.
Maybe you will never be a mother at all.
Life is not for the faint of heart.
But I promise that life is also glorious, beautiful, and surprising in it’s
goodness. I promise that the beauty will
drown out the sorrow if you keep your face towards the sun. You are women. You are soldiers. You are daughters of God. And you were created with the strength to
shine through the storms that will blow around you, for they will blow. But they
cannot touch you if you know who you are.
You are beautiful.
Understand your self-worth and do not be ashamed of it. Life is not a competition to look the
same. Use your knowledge of yourself to
lift up others. Empower them. Inspire them.
It will come naturally because you are women. The errand of angels is given to women. We find joy in the service of others. Accept your value as a daughter of God. Embrace your true beauty. Discover all that you are and be amazed at
who you become.
For you are a daughter of a King.
For you are a daughter of a King.
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